Name Puzzles

We have been so busy! I haven't had much time to update. We are getting into the swing of Christmas spirit! Our classroom tree is up, as well as a few christmas lights, we have the christmas music on and tons of crafts and activities!

One of our favorite things lately has been our name puzzles. We have been working hard on reading and identifying our names and our friends by playing fun matching games. During Halloween and Thanksgiving our name puzzles were candy corn pieces with each student's picture, first name and last name. When put together, they form the candy corn peice. This month, we have snowmen puzzles! Each student's picture has been made into a snowman (the smallest and first snowball) and the second snowball is their first name, and finally the last and largest snowball is their last names. I put magnets on the back and let the students match them on the large space as a center. They just love this one! (Will add a picture soon!)

I have also been saving 2-liter and bottle caps to make a new name puzzle. I saw this flying around on pinterest, however made our own version to suit our needs. First, I printed pictures of each of the students, then I made a template on word using the shapes to make bottle cap sized circles. After I printed them out, I counted to make sure I have the correct amount for each student. Now, each student has their own individual name puzzle to help with letter identification/sound identification/spelling. They also have the choice to do their friends as well!

Until we master our name goals, we will keep working on these! They will go home at the end of the year so they can continue to practice.

We will be going on a community trip to the mall soon! Can't wait to take them and have them experience the fun of shopping for loved ones!